You may or may not have noticed that in the last dew weeks my output has gone down. I feel there are only so many ways to tell you that I had breakfast, Huel for lunch and Dinner.

In truth, work has been taking its toll. It is not easy trying to communicate certain ideas to members of the management that don’t want to listen or who are incapable of listening.

But enough of that talk.

I have got my bike back and I believe this might be the week to start riding it and getting the old blood pumping. It will do me good and from an embarrassment factor, it’s cold and miserable out so there won’t be many people out there to point and laugh at the fat man on a bike.


I have also switched to a 5:2 ratio with huel that being that Monday to Friday I have Huel every lunch time and then at the weekends I will be eating a proper food. It’s been working thus far and as of now I am two pounds away from being under 20 Stone or 127 Kg that may not seem like I’ve done well for most of you but believe me, its been a long time since I have been down that far south and It’s my first major milestone. It gets me on track to reach my final goal and will also mark 22lbs lost and that’s nearly 2 stone and that is something  I can be proud of.

I have given up processed sugar and coffee as well and that’s been a real plus. My blood sugar is now at a level that’s the best that it has been for a long time and that can only be a goof thing.

Coffee hasn’t been missed very much if I want a hot drink I will have a cup of Earl Grey tea or on the odd occasion a hot chocolate. talking of chocolate its been over 7 weeks since I have ingested any.

I am still drinking plenty of fluids and my skin is getting so much better with applying the cream to my hands, I am almost looking human.

In just a few short week I have been told that there are changes to my body and that can only be a good thing. another positive is that my energy levels and sleeping pattern are really good, waking up naturally at around 7:00am on a weekday and at around 8:30 on a weekend (depends on how bad the dog wants to go out).

anyway, I have rambled on far too long.

until next time be good.